Tuesday, September 15, 2009


This morning I was thinking about how ten years ago the internet was not part of my daily life. I worked, partied, and managed to find out about shows without this electronic connection to people. The internet...

The connection is sick - it masks as real communication, and it has become so embedded no one is asking questions about how it affects our face to face communication. Things posted/ pictures/ sentiments/ they're not real on this on-line. It's not reality. Yet, we've forged paths for the most human activities: dating, chatting, and whatever else here.
The comment box has to be one of the most fucked up things going. People post shit better kept to themselves. Sometimes I read some funny shit, and have even posted shit of dubious significance that approaches funny, so fuck - i guess it's got it's benefits. But ultimately, it's part of this monster that we all buy in to. The preferred method of being human is no longer face to face presentation of flesh. It is alone, hiding our flaws from behind a glowing screen.